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Greg Baker (strobez)

C.714 "Cyclone" - Greg Baker (WHIF) - Build Log

Album image #1
First off is the pic of "what's in the box". It might be an old tool, but it's quite clean. Not a lot of flashing or sink marks, although there are some ejector pin marks that will need to be dealt with. 

Album image #2
So, first I cut the main fuselage pieces off the sprue, did a little bit of trimming, and taped the fuselage together for a dry fit. Somewhat surprisingly, the first seems good. It's nice that you can see the Heller stamp on the inside... but that's going 

Album image #3
Of course, there's not much of a wheel well. That'll have to be scratch built since they're basically just holes in the undercarriage. Luckily, from what I've seen, a proper wheel well isn't that complicated. 

Album image #4
Before we get to that though, there's the non-existent cockpit to attend to. I'm not a fan of pilot dummies, so I won't be including it. However, there's a ton to do here. Using some flat plasticard I decided to start with the area behind the chair. 

Album image #5
The interior shrouds in the aft-cockpit window needed to be boxed in. Lots of sanding and checking the fit, then repeat going on. It's tricky to do because not only is it on a curve, it's also got a subtle bend to it. 

Album image #6
First I carefully measured the front support (the wall behind the seat) and filed it to fit snugly. Then did the same for the top plank and then the rear support. After some careful alignment, cross braces were glued in place on both the front and rear. 

Album image #7
Ok almost there. Just a tiny fit moe sanding to be done to make it fit snugly. 

Album image #8
I finished the rear cockpit shroud, including the crazy little radio access hatch. Unfortunately, in order for the canopy to fit over the shroud, I had to cut it open. 

Album image #9
Well, it seems to fit... after a bit of finagling. 

Album image #10
Hmmm... what to do about under carriage and wheel well. I sanded down the interior... now what? 

Album image #11
I stole a seat from an Academy F6F Hellcat and a control panel from an Academy F4U-1. The seat needed a bit of work to make it look like it belonged in a C.714, but I think it worked. 

Album image #12
The control stick and panel are just taped on for now... mainly for a dry fit. 

Album image #13
Still needs a few bits added on, but I'm happy with the result so far. I'm especially pleased with the oversized pedals for some reason. 

Album image #14
Luckily, everything still seems to fit in place inside the fuselage. Whew! 

Album image #15
The control panel seems to be sitting a little deep, but I measured 6 times. I'm going to try to add the side control panels as well by cutting up another F4U control panel, so I'll need a bit of room to work. 

Album image #16
Oh goody! I can still get the canopy on as well. 

Album image #17
I'm happy with the adjustments I made to the seat, but I don't think I can squeeze in any armour plating behind there. 

Album image #18
Side view of the current cockpit details. I added some bars and controls. 

Album image #19
I cut an Academy Corsair control panel in half and trimmed 1/4 off the bottom and it more or less fits in the cockpit sidewall area. I thinned it a bit, but perhaps more work is needed. 

Album image #20
It fits alright and I think it really brings the cockpit to life. A little more filing and it should fit almost perfectly... famous last words, I know. 😉 

Album image #21
Added a cross section of flooring for the wheel well. 

Album image #22
Not bad... but now how to box in the well. Different levels and curves... this won't be easy. 

Album image #23
Glued in a roughed-in wheel well sidewall and then contoured it with 0.1 mm Tamiya PlaPaper. 

Album image #24
Flipped it over and started trimming the excess with a razor blade. 

Album image #25
Okay. I think this is going to work. I also scribed the panel lines on the wings. 

Album image #26
Besides the wheel well, I also drilled out the engine holes and removed one bump on top of the engine panelling. 

Album image #27
I think the shape issue can be corrected by using epoxy putty... 

Album image #28
Now to let it dry and cure before I sand it to fit. 

Album image #29
I used the left-over putty to add support to the wheel wells. It's not pretty, but hopefully effective. 

Album image #30
Also a little on the inside to fill in imperfections left by the glueing process. 

Album image #31
Added a bit of sidewall details. I sure hope this all fits! 

Album image #32
Used Tamiya grey putty cut with lacquer thinner to fill in the imperfections left by glueing the pieces together. 

Album image #33
Both sides. I also added in a firewall behind the control consol. 

Album image #34
Took a bit of sanding on the top, but I got the wings packed together. Same with the cockpit. 

Album image #35
I cut the holes in the engine panelling and then I sanded off and then added a bit of stretched sprue that was filed to shape to the engine. Also drilled the holes a bit more. 

Album image #36
Hmm... still need to added a bit of shape to the underwing gun pods... 

Album image #37
It's a tight fit, but the cockpit is done. 

Album image #38
Interior primed, wings glued and gun pods extended... front cowl needs more putty and sanding. 

Album image #39
Details added to the wheel well. 

Album image #40
Cockpit and sidewall painted. 

Album image #41
Cockpit painting and details done! Interior was painted FS35237 using a Tamiya acrylic mix (XF-66:1 + XF-19:1 + XF-2:2) 

Album image #42
For basically a 100% scratch-built cockpit, I'm pretty happy. 

Album image #43
Cockpit glued to the side of the fuselage. 

Album image #44
Fuselage glued together and putty applied to the seams. Took a couple of cracks at it to get the alignment as correct as possible. 

Album image #45
Added a bit of card to the air intake. 

Album image #46
Also added card to the slots I cut in the engine panels. 

Album image #47
Added pla-paper to cover the slightly raised panels and recreate the slot behind the engine. 

Album image #48
Panels attached on the underside too. Added the gun barrels but they promptly fell off. Serves me right for not measuring them beforehand anyway. 

Album image #49
Primed and ready... for more putty/sanding. 

Album image #50
Basically happy with how the slot behind the engine worked out. Almost exactly as I planned it. 

Album image #51
The raised panels have rivets scribed on them. It's subtle, but I think it looks good. 

Album image #52
I knew those propeller blades were going to cause me trouble... 2/3 fell off. 

Album image #53
Still needs some work... but not as much as I thought before the primer hid some of it. 

Album image #54
The top side looks pretty good. Only minor adjustments needed. 

Album image #55
Reattached the propeller (the first of several times I bet!) and added and drilled out the guns. 

Album image #56
I noticed I lost the rear peg... so a bit of stretched sprue to the rescue. Also used it for the top and bottom antennas since the kit parts seemed huge and out of scale. 

Album image #57
Cut up the canopy... I hope this works! 

Album image #58
Added some rivet details. 

Album image #59
Yeah... ok. I can live with that. On to the painting! 

Album image #60
First under coat of black pre-shading. The airbrush was spitting a bit. 

Album image #61
Maybe a little too heavy on the underside... but I think I can work with it. 

Album image #62
I finally got some paint down. The complex masking on the windscreen was a bit tricky, so we'll see how that turns out. 

Album image #63
I painted the underside the same grey as the cockpit. I'm trying to figure out what to do with the wheels, but that can wait a bit... I always seem to snap them off when I try and get them installed too soon. 

Album image #64
Ok, so the first round of camouflage is going on. First to do a little fuzzy edged paper masking. I've seen this done, but it's my first time to try it... I hope it works! 

Album image #65
The paper on the top of the engine was a bit looser than the rest and gave a lighter camouflage band, but since I'm going to do one more layer, I think I can cover that up. 

Album image #66
This side looks ok... but...uhm... wait a sec... isn't there supposed to be a pilot tube on this wing? Hmm... seems it's been missing since the first image 

Album image #67
Another round of masking... it seems so innocent now, but little did I know that sticky paper was going to cause me a nightmare... 

Album image #68
The masking turned out not too bad, but even though I thought I'd de-tacked the paper, it left glue all over the place. Clean up was tricky. 

Album image #69
To add insult to injury, I accidentally drilled a tiny hole through the top of the wing while installing the landing gear. I also had to remove the canopy for a "do-over".  

Album image #70
Now what can we make out of a bit of styrene cylinder with a notch in it and a bit of blended wire...? 

Album image #71
While removing the glue, a bit of water and some gentle rubbing left my coat of paint with a weathered look. I actually kinda like, even if it was totally by accident, 

Album image #72
Ok... so let's try this again... second (of eventual three) attempts of making the canopy. 

Album image #73
I know. Let's make a gun-sight! 


3 June 2024, 10:51 -

Album info

The work-in-progress build album of the Caudron Renault C.714. A appended part of my Area 88 master build project, this album features the World War II-era WHIF equivalent of my self-inserted vanity entry, the Super-Etendard.

133 immagini
In corso
1:72 Caudron Renault 714 (Heller 80218)1:72 Folland Gnat T.1 (Airfix A01006)

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