diecast model database | stash manager

1:43 Skoda 706 RT

Timeline for DeAgostini (202410) Škoda Liaz 706 RTH

Full history

MAC Distribution
AVD Models
Missing info
Škoda 706 RTTN TAHAC NAVESU 1960-1981 (MAC Distribution RES43011) Škoda 706 RT/RT 3 1957-1970 (MAC Distribution RES43101) Škoda 706 RTS 1 1961-1969 (MAC Distribution RES43102) Škoda 706 RTK BOBR Popelarsky Vuz 1958-1979 (MAC Distribution RES43103) Škoda 706 RTH, AKV Kropici Vuz 1958-1975 (MAC Distribution RES43103) Škoda 706 RTV Valnik se Zvysenymi Bocnicemi 1957-1970 (MAC Distribution RES43105) Škoda 706 RTC Valnik S Plachtou 1958-1979 (MAC Distribution RES43106) Škoda 706 RTD-S Stěhovací vůz 1964-1975 (MAC Distribution RES43107) Škoda 706 RTD-a Nizkolozny Valnik 1964-1986 (MAC Distribution RES43108) Škoda 706 RTHP Hasič 1964-1986 (MAC Distribution RES43109) Škoda 706 RTHP CAS 25 krátká kabina 1962–1984 (MAC Distribution RES43110)

Kits are shown on the timeline when year and origin are filled in.