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Greg Baker (strobez)

AREA 88: Yak-38 (A.G.F.)

Album image #1
The box shot, of course. 

Album image #2
Sprues look pretty clean. Not sure about those decals though, they look pretty old. 

Album image #3
Just started cutting and glueing some bits together. No idea what the purpose of that engine is. You can't see it at all on the inside. 

Album image #4
Added a firewall and angled the rear of the cockpit to be more realistic. The canopy won't close now, but that's okay. 

Album image #5
Added some interior details to the cockpit. 

Album image #6
Added a dashboard. 

Album image #7
Not sure I can fit anything else in there. 

Album image #8
Cut open the air intakes and boxed them off. 

Album image #9
Repurposed Spad XIII wheels will work as lower fans... I hope. 

Album image #10
Got some colour down. Wasn't sure what colour I wanted to do the cockpit, but Tamiya XF-71 seemed a good choice when in doubt. 

Album image #11
Added modified decals from an Academy F-8E Crusader to the cockpit and cut out the secondary vents on the air intakes. 

Album image #12
Glued together... 

Album image #13
Need to adjust the vents and the fans. 

Album image #14
Putty and sanding. 

Album image #15
Ok... the primer is on. 

Album image #16
Let's see if we can get the undershading to work... 

Album image #17
Paint on... undershading nowhere to be seen. 

Album image #18
Decals on, but they're so old they're silvering. 

Album image #19
Cockpit could be better... but I can live with it. 

Album image #20
Album image #21
Album image #22
Album image #23
Album image #24
Album image #25
Album image #26
Album image #27
Album image #28


16 June 2024, 06:05 -

Project info

28 зображення
1:72 Yak-38 Forger (Tsukuda Hobby S04-1300)

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